A Mindfulness Programme for Children and Whānau

The MindKiwi programme is a treatment programme initially offered as part of a research study. The aim is to explore the feasibility of this programme and its effectiveness for children and their whānau within Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Mindkiwi has demonstrated positive changes in children with ADHD and their caregivers, including strong improvements in child behavioural and emotion regulation. Current research is investigating whether the programme can also benefit all children with emotion regulation difficulties, and their whānau.
Programme Description
The MindKiwi programme is based on a mindfulness-based therapy programme for adults with attentional difficulties. It has been adapted for children and adolescents and integrated with a kaupapa Māori framework from a partnership model with mana whenua. Kaupapa Māori foundations such as tikanga and Te Reo Māori are core aspects of the integrated programme. Following a highly successful pilot study using children with ADHD, Mindkiwi has now been adapted for researching with children with emotion dysregulation.
The mindfulness programme follows a set structure, undertaken weekly. During the programme, children will learn methods to increase their engagement in the present moment, such as awareness of thoughts, feelings, impulses and attention. Alongside this, a parent/ caregiver mindfulness programme is undertaken by a parent or adult caregiver of each child. The main goal for parents and caregivers is to learn to pay more attention to a child’s internal and external states in a non-judgmental and non-reactive way. Each module of the mindfulness programme includes the following areas:
- Breathing mindfully
- Being more aware of the way we think and focus
- Coping with distraction
- Coping with impulsivity or strong feelings